Anti-Human Trafficking Project Planning Workshop

We are delighted to provide a brief report on the successful completion of the Writeshop on Anti Human Trafficking (AHT), which took place from 21 to 23 August 2023 at RPG Savar. This program was a significant milestone in our collective efforts to combat human trafficking and foster collaboration among the participating Deaneries. We were privileged to have Mr. Raja Moses from India (CNI) and our esteemed Consultant, Mr. Binod Hira, as key contributors to this event. The primary objective was to promote knowledge-sharing and collaboration among participants. Each Deanery brought a team of four individuals, and one outstanding contributor who played a pivotal role during the baseline survey. Mr. Raja Moses, the Program Director from the Diocese of Durgapur, India, brought with him a wealth of knowledge and experience gained through years of working on Anti Human Trafficking. His valuable insights provided a roadmap for collaborative efforts moving forward.