On March 5, 2023, the Honorable Moderator of the Church of Bangladesh, Bishop Samuel S. Mankhin and the staff of the Synod Office gave a warm reception to Bishop Paritos Canning (Calcutta Diocese), Bishop Subroto Chokroborti (Barakpore Diocese), Rev. Prodeep K Nandon and Mr. Raghob Naek at St. Thomas Cathedral and Synod Office of the Church of Bangladesh. We are so much blessed with their presence, fellowship and sharing. As partners Both COB and CNI Two Diocese share their token of love to each other.
Bishop Paritos Canning shared about the contribution of Oxford Mission in his life and especially in the life of Church of Bangladesh as Bishop James D Blair is the first Bishop from the Brotherhood of Oxford Mission who Establish Dhaka Diocese under his leadership. He also shared in his message about Vision-2025 and Self Sustainability “Esho Gathi” (Let Us Build Together).
Schools: Mrs. Monita Mankhin wanted to know in her welcome speech about their school system in their dioceses and Bishop also mentioned that the Schools are the best resources for sustainability.