8th Synod Council Meeting held at Savar

 Moderator in his opening address said, “There are some influence of power in our society which are trying to keep us away from each other and those making it difficult to be united in our church and society. We should be aware of those and should work together to be united. Otherwise, those will scatter us. Now the time has come to sail our boat against the indulging worldly ways. If we are not taking any initiative, then certainly we will drown. We should be encouraged to take the challenge with the faith in Love of Christ and should discard our selfish nature.”

He added that to follow Christ is to suffer. To follow Him we may face many difficulties in this world. He urged to help each other. The participants took part in the discussion on his address and discussed many issues that are required to contribute in building our society with stronger faith of Christianity.

After his address reports from Dioceses, on different Programmes and Institutions were presented. At the end of the council Meeting the Synod went into Synod Executive Committee election and a new committee for next three years got elected.