Archbishop of Canterbury His Grace Justin Welby visited Church of Bangladesh

2nd Day

30 May, 2014

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Attended Holy Communion Service with congregation of Dhaka deanery and CoB priests and preached and consecrated Eucharist and met with Clergy, Brothers and Sisters, and Lay Leaders Blessed people, particularly children.

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Attended reception and addressed to the people

He emphasized the importance of Prayer, Reconciliation and Preaching the Good News
He said,

We will have to love one another as Jesus has taught us.

He met exclusively with Bishop Paul S Sarker and Bishop Samuel S Mankhin


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Visited Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP), at Savar, Dhaka. Then, he visited the spot of Rana Plaza : the building collapsed and killed more than 1,000 workers
on April, 2013