Lenten Pledge 2017, Church of Bangladesh

This year the Lenten pledge is devoted to elderly, the golden age people. It is observed that our dedication and responsibility to elderly including the parents have largely declined. But our scripture teaches us to care and respect them with decency and loyalty. Church has the responsibility to think of them. CoB plans to do something for the elderly people at each parish. Foreign support in this area is not available as such as it was before and therefore we have to act on our own and sure that God’s will is with us to fulfill His words towards that end.

We request to contribute your Lenten pledge 2017 to this cause, and urge to expedite the efforts, individually and from parish, to care the elderly people as we are instructed by our God –

Pay attention to your father, and don’t neglect your mother when she grows old.” – Proverb, 23:22.